Beyond Being a Manufacturer

In addition to manufacturing Tower Interior & Exterior Components and Transport Frames; a wide range of parts for generators, engines and tower components and assemble them in our facilities.

With the contributions of our experienced staff who take us beyond just being a manufacturer company; We undertake the supply chain management of other complementary parts in wind power plants outside our production scope on behalf of our clients.

We door deliver the materials together with our own products to domestic and foreign clients from a single source. We are proud to be the first and only company providing these services in our country.

Tower Interior Components

We manufacture all metal parts in wind turbine towers in accordance with international quality standards.

– Platforms
– Catwalks
– Railings
– Mounting brackets for electrical and electronic parts
– Ventilation ducts
– Other metal parts

Tower Exterior Components

We manufacture the exterior components of the wind turbine towers in line with our high-quality standards.

– Tower Entrance doors
– External stairs

Transport Frames

Our product portfolio also includes transport frames for large wind turbine components. We manufacture and ship all types and sizes of galvanized or painted component transport constructions in the C5 corrosion class.

– Blade transport frames
– Stator transport frames
– Generator transport frames
– Rotor transport frames

Other Products

There is a wide range of parts with different specifications that enable large components such as generators, rotors, and towers to seamlessly function together. We manufacture these parts of turbine, generatorand tower components and assemble them in our facilities.